
Craig Webster Ellada Hadjimanoli


The intention of the paper is to gain an understanding of the nature and logic of investments by the Republic of Cyprus in embassies and staff for embassies abroad. A statistical model with 179 countries has been used to determine whether attributes thought to be linked with the allocation of resources for foreign policy, are consistent with actual allocations in 2012. The statistical model demonstrates that power and European Union membership play a substantial role in the allocation of Cypriot resources for embassies abroad. Moreover, the statistical models indicate that Commonwealth membership plays no role whatsoever in the allocation of resources in embassies abroad, although there are mixed outcomes for some of the other attributes hypothesised to be linked with the allocation of embassies and human resources overseas. The findings of interviews also give additional insight into other aspects of the allocation of embassies and resources. 



foreign policy, Cyprus problem, embassies, overseas Cypriots, diplomacy

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How to Cite

“The Placement of Cypriot Embassies and Embassy Staff: Power, the EU, and Overseas Cypriots”. 2017. Cyprus Review 26 (2): 105-26. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/97.