Call for Papers for a Special Section on “Twenty Years after the Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU”
Posted on 2023-11-07
The Cyprus Review invites submissions for a Special Section on Twenty Years after the Accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU.
The Republic of Cyprus joined the EU in 2004. Since then, the EU has dominated strategic considerations, as well as the public debate. The decision to apply for EU membership was predominantly driven by political considerations. Successive Governments and the political elite saw the EU as a safeguard for the island’s future security and as a forum where a favourable solution to the political problem was likely to be reached. Furthermore, EU membership was understood by the Republic of Cyprus as an effort to overcome the drawbacks associated with its small size and to minimise the shortcomings resulting from its internationally vulnerable position. By becoming part of the EU, the RoC aspired to no longer feel defenceless, to enhance its position to negotiate, and to have its voice more effectively heard by becoming part of a powerful and important regional group. However, euroscepticism seems to have increased since accession, especially following the handling by the EU of the 2013 financial/banking crisis.
This special section of The Cyprus Review (CR) invites papers that seek to assess and evaluate specific aspects of the EU-Republic of Cyprus relations. We welcome contributions that incorporate theories of integration or draw on empirical data, but also papers that reflect on specific thematic areas or focus on interdisciplinary approaches. Contributions may refer to the interrelationship between the EU and Cypriot policy priorities, foreign, financial, banking, social, justice, competition, governance etc.
Guidelines and Deadline for Submission
Authors should consult the CR’s guidelines for submission, which can be found at:
For specific enquiries, please contact the CR via [email protected]
Submission should be sent to [email protected] or submitted through the CR's webpage, no later than 10th May 2024. All email submissions should be identified in the subject line with the heading “EU Accession Special Section – Article Submission'.