Call for Papers for the Special Section on “Cypriot Diplomacy and its Evolution Post-EU Accession”
Posted on 2023-09-12
The Cyprus Review invites submissions for a Special Section on Cypriot Diplomacy and its Evolution Post-EU Accession.
The Republic of Cyprus joined the EU in 2004. Since then, the state has managed to secure its place within Europe and has reassessed its foreign policy priorities. While the extent to which the Republic’s foreign policy has matured remains contested and relatively underexplored in literature, Cyprus has managed to accelerate its strategic, security, and defence priorities as part of its own foreign policy. Much of this development has to do with the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) frameworks, yet this growth is also arguably a result of changing systemic conditions in the regional and international environment, as well as the changing role of other powers in the region, such as the United States, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and China. Nonetheless, in other areas, the Republic of Cyprus seems to be lacking behind in certain EU foreign policy goals.
This special section of The Cyprus Review (CR) invites papers that seek to examine the nexus of diplomacy and foreign policy priorities in areas like security and defence, energy, tourism, intelligence, the environment, and other areas coinciding with security, defence, and foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Cyprus. This also may include the gaps such policy may have, the quest for maturity, and the bilateral and multilateral relations the Republic has developed since its accession to the EU in 2004.
We invite scholars and practitioners to reflect on the Republic of Cyprus’ evolving diplomacy. We are particularly interested in papers that connect the concept of ‘diplomacy’ to other policy priorities the Republic of Cyprus has had since 2004.
In this special section, we hope to reflect on various thematic areas that focus on interdisciplinary approaches. Such areas may include insights from Political Psychology, Security Studies, Legal Studies, International Relations Theory, Computer Science and Policy, Surveillance Studies, or Critical Studies, to name a few. We seek contributions that aim to assess both contemporary and traditional understandings of diplomacy in the Cypriot diplomatic arena. These contributions could explore tools and approaches such as digital and other technological developments, A.I., political psychology, defence-related developments, e-governance, or political psychology. Therefore, the contributions seek insights from both social sciences, as well as other disciplines such as, but not limited to, Computer Science and Engineering.
We particularly invite original proposals on the following subjects pertaining to the Republic of Cyprus’ diplomacy and security:
- The Cypriot MFA and its approach to diplomacy
- Civil Society and Diplomacy
- Security/Defence Diplomacy
- Energy Diplomacy
- Tourism diplomacy
- Intelligence and Diplomacy
- Cyprus and Bilateral/Multilateral Relations
- Digital Diplomacy and/or Cultural Diplomacy
- Modern approaches to Security and Diplomacy / Online Spaces and Digital Diplomacy
- Modern Technologies and/or Surveillance Diplomacy
This is not an exhaustive list of ideas and issues. Articles can present research that addresses and investigates various socio-political approaches as they relate to diplomacy in the Republic of Cyprus.
We invite proposals for traditional academic papers, provocations, and experts’/practitioners’ reflections that respond to the theme of the Special Section.
Guidelines and Deadline for Submission
Authors should consult the CR’s guidelines for submission, which can be found at:
For specific enquiries, please contact the CR via [email protected]
Submission should be sent to [email protected] or submitted through the CR's webpage, no later than 4th February 2024. All email submissions should be identified in the subject line with the heading 'Diplomacy Special Section – Article Submission'.
This section is Guest-Edited by Constantinos Adamides and Petros Petrikkos.