The Editorial Team of the renowned Cyprological Social Sciences Journal Cyprus Review is pleased to open the Call for Nominations for its Annual Book Awards.

In line with the Review's thematic orientation, Awards will be conferred to outstanding books in the fields of (I) History and Political Science, (II) Law, and (III) Social Sciences widely defined.

Nominations may be submitted from (1) either the Authors themselves, (2) the Publishers or their Representatives, or (3) Third Parties (any other person supporting the nomination).


Terms and Conditions

The Review will consider nominations regarding books published during 2020, written either in Greek or in English and which are pertinent to Cyprus.

The Review will confer the following Awards:

  1. Annual Book Awards
  2. The Stanley Kyriakides Award in History and Political Science
  3. The Constantinos Emilianides Award in Law
  4. The Peter Loizos Award in Social Sciences


  1. Junior Researcher Book Awards
  2. One Award in History and Political Science
  3. One Award in Law
  4. One Award in Social Sciences


For the purpose of the present Call, a junior researcher is a scholar of no more than 40 years of age.

The Review reserves the right to award honourable mentions to any short-listed books suggested for an honourable mention, or not to confer any of the awards, depending on the decision of the respective scientific committee.

The deadline for nominations is 20th June 2021 (extended dealine).

All nominations should be submitted via email to the following address [email protected] and should be identified in the email subject with the heading: CR Annual Book Awards, Nomination. An Annual Awards Unified Nomination Form is attached to this announcement.

Members of the editorial team of the Review and members of the Scientific Committees are not eligible for the Awards.

All Awards will be decided by Scientific Committees, consisting of scholars and practitioners of recognised standing in their field.

For the purposes of the present call, social sciences broadly defined includes sociology, anthropology, economics, psychology, archaeology, education, geography, communications and media studies, cultural heritage studies, ethnography, folklore studies, demography, and development studies. 

Download the Annual Awards Unified Nomination Form.