The Cyprus Review invites submissions for a Special Section on Performing Arts in Cyprus: Embodied Identities.

Cyprus has a thriving performing arts scene, especially in contemporary dance and performance art. Although it does not have a long history, the artistic development has been exciting and rife with socio political ideas that demand reflections on the trends, patterns, and ideologies thereof.

This special section of The Cyprus Review (CR) invites papers that seek to examine the identity (-ies) of Cypriot performing arts and what socio-political ideas they communicate through embodiment.

Following Jane Desmond’s suggestion that the bodily ‘texts’ further the understanding of ‘how social identities are signalled, formed, and negotiated through bodily movement', we invite papers that consider the role of the body and embodiment in live performing arts in Cyprus.

We invite scholars and artists to reflect on the role of the body as a material and physical act, as a lived body that Anna Pakes describes as a subjective locus of worldly experience rather than an objective fact, a complex of subjectively felt sensation or embodied thoughtfulness, not something separable from the consciousness.

In this special section, we hope to reflect on the trends in contemporary performing arts in Cyprus, with a particular focus on dance, theatre, and performance art, as a way to articulate and theorise political and historical trends in the arts, society, and community. Following Mark Franko’s ideology that dance has been used and created in order to reflect political and cultural identities, as well as a vehicle of critical theory of society, we seek contributions that aim to analyse issues of representation, history, politics, and sociological concerns in and through embodiment in various performing arts in Cyprus.

We especially invite original proposals on the following subjects as they pertain to contemporary performing arts in Cyprus:

Archives (or lack thereof) and knowledge circulation
Memory as embodied process
Representation of bodily difference
Location and Temporality

This is not an exhaustive list of ideas and issues. Articles can present research that addresses and investigates various socio-political ideologies as they relate to performing arts in Cyprus.

We invite proposals for traditional academic papers, provocations, and artist reflections that respond to the theme of the Special Issue.

Guidelines and Deadline for Submission

Authors should consult the CR’s guidelines for submission, which can be found at:

For specific enquiries, please contact the CR via [email protected]

Submission should be sent to [email protected] or submitted through the CR's webpage, not later than 31st March 2023. All email submissions should be identified in the subject line with the heading 'Performing Arts Special Section – Article Submission'.

This section is Guest-Edited by Dr Pascal Caron and Dr Dara Milovanović.