
Professor Andreas Theophanous


The objective of this Policy Paper is to assess the new state of affairs after the informal five-party conference under the auspices of the Secretary General (SG) of the UN on April 27-29, 2021 and to submit a brief comprehensive proposal for the Cyprus problem. Despite not issuing a joint press release, the SG of the UN Antonio Guterres announced at the time a new five-party conference in the following three months. He also noted both the Turkish Cypriot position for a two state solution and the Greek Cypriot position for a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality, as described in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council of the UN.


Policy Paper

How to Cite

“A Proposal for a Normal State: The Cyprus Problem After the Five Party Informal Conference”. 2022. Cyprus Review 33 (2): 83-106. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/798.