
Dr Madgalini Antreou Dr Nikolaos Stelgias


In 1883-1906, Jewish immigrants made three attempts and developed one scheme to settle in Cyprus. Had these plans succeeded, a new Jewish minority group could have been established. However, the attempts failed due to several exogenous factors. What is rarely mentioned as a factor contributing to the said failure was the hostility towards the arriving Jews by most of the local population and the government. This article intents to examine the breakdown of the settlement attempts within the socio-political framework of Cyprus, using national and international literature as well as the local newspaper and government archives. Our aim is to argue that the Greek Cypriot ‘Jewish-phobia’ and the hostility of local authorities’ condemned the Jewish vision of a home in Cyprus to collapse.



Jewish settlements attempts, Greek Cypriot nationalism, British economic policy, Union

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How to Cite

“The Greek Cypriot ‘Jewish-Phobia’: Negative Perceptions of the Jewish Settlement Attempts in Cyprus During the Early British Rule (1883-1906)”. 2022. Cyprus Review 33 (2): 40-58. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/796.