
Dr Epaminondas Epaminonda


This paper aims to draw a sociocultural profile of Cyprus and briefly discuss change and diversity in the country. Data relating to family, gender roles, social relations, Hofstede’s dimensions, the World Values Survey, and work-related attitudes are pre­sented, and differences between social groups and how values might be changing are discussed. It is suggested that Cyprus has historically been a relatively conservative society, something which has changed in the last few decades to some extent. On Hof­stede dimensions, Cyprus scores around the average on individualism, medium to high on power distance, masculinity, and long-term orientation, and very high on uncertainty avoidance. In the World Values Survey, the results of Cyprus are close to the centre of the axes that represent the data (but somewhat shifted towards the more conservative end). It is finally argued that the significant numbers of Cypriots who studied abroad contribute to diversity and change within society



Cyprus, culture, values, diversity, change

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How to Cite

“Drawing a Sociocultural Profile of Cyprus by Reviewing Some Key Findings and Discussing Change and Diversity”. 2022. Cyprus Review 33 (2): 21-39. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/795.