Fabric rationing in Limassol during the Second World War, as part of British Colonial Policy A Look from the Municipal Archive of Limassol
Rationing and price fixing was implemented by many countries during the course of the Second World War, that affected the distribution of supplies such as food, fuel and textiles. This was done in order to avoid price gouging and the creation of black markets, even though the measures were implemented black markets still arose from the start of the war. Cyprus was a colony of the British Empire at the time, and imperial legislation that implemented rationing was enacted on the island. This article focuses on the rationing policy of the British in Limassol through the use of archival material dating to 1943 from the Municipal Archive of Limassol in order to demonstrate the implementation of this policy to the city. Additionally, a glimpse of the problems of the policy can be observed through the press of the time, where textile merchants, tailors and civilians expressed their opinions on the rationing system.
rationing, Second World War, British Empire, British Colonies, textile rationing, black market, Limassol, Cyprus
MAL 572/225/41
Municipal Archive of Limassol (MAL), File 572, Numbering according to the Municipality 225/41, Date of file: 1943 Jan. – Dec. Name of file: Υφάσματα (Fabrics).
MAL 572/225/41/1.
MAL 572/225/41/2.
MAL 572/225/41/4.
MAL 572/225/41/5.
MAL 572/225/41/6.
MAL 572/225/41/9A.
MAL 572/225/41/17.
MAL 572/225/41/22A.
MAL 572/225/41/22ΣΤ.
MAL 572/225/41/27.
MAL 572/225/41/28.
MAL 572/225/41/35A.
MAL 572/225/41/49.
MAL 572/225/41/54.
Report on the Textiles Industry in Cyprus issued by the Supplies Transport & Marketing Department, (Unpublished report, 1947).
British Colonial Government Works
British Colonial Government, Cyprus. Handbook prepared under the direction of the historical section of the Foreign Office. No. 65 (London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1920).
British Colonial Government, Supplement No. 3 to The Cyprus Gazettee No. 2806 of the 3rd January, 1940. Subsidiary legislation.
British Colonial Government, Supplement No. 3 to The Cyprus Gazettee No. 3220 of the 3rd January, 1946. Subsidiary legislation.
British Colonial Government, The Cyprus Blue Book, 1938.
British Colonial Government, The Cyprus Blue Book, 1946.
British Colonial Government, The Cyprus Gazette, 1941.
British Colonial Government, The Cyprus Gazette, 1943.
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Anonymous, ‘Βάσανα Υπαίθρου’ [Rural Suffering], Ελευθερία [Eleftheria], 5 April 1943, 2.
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Anonymous, ‘Νέα Λεμεσού’ [Limassol News] Νέος Κυπριακός Φύλαξ [New Cypriot Guardian], 5 May 1943, 1.
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Anonymous, ‘Ποιον το σχέδιον διανομης ειδών ιματισμού και υποδήσεως’ [What is the distribution plan of clothing and footwear] Νέος Κυπριακός Φύλαξ [New Cypriot Guardian], 30 May 1943, 1.
Anonymous, ‘Συνέντευξις του Δημάρχου Λεμεσού μετά του Αποικιακού Γραμματέως’ [Interview of the Mayor of Limassol with the Colonial Secretary], Ανεξάρτητος [Independent], 30 December 1943, 1.
Anonymous, ‘Το ζήτημα της επενδύσεως’ [The investment issue] Εσπερινή [Evening], 10 April 1943, 2.
Anonymous, Ανεξέλεγκτος η εις τας πόλεις και χωριά διανομή διαφόρων χρειώδων του βίου [The distribution of various necessities of life in the cities and villages is uncontrollable] Φωνή της Κύπρου [Voice of Cyprus], 15 May 1943, 2.
Anonymous, Κάποτ δι΄εγγύους μητέρας [Capot for pregnant women], Πάφος [Paphos], 22 April 1943, 1
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Anonymous, Νέα Λεμεσού [Limassol News] Νέος Κυπριακός Φύλαξ [New Cypriot Guardian], 20 April 1943, 1.
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Central Economic Office of AKEL, ‘Η διανομή κασμηριών’ [The distribution of woolen textiles] Ανεξάρτητος [Independent], 16 October 1943, 2.
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