Children’s Rights during Colonialism The Case Study of the Crown Colony of Cyprus
The Commonwealth countries retain an unceasing connection to the United Kingdom. Ranging from the values of the Victorian England on human rights, to the oversea territories, the puritanical colonial power stigmatised in an emphatic way the lives of millions. The Republic of Cyprus constitutes a case on point of such influence. That said, this paper unearths a long-standing culture of disrespect for basic human rights generally and the rights of the child in particular amid the normalization of deviant behaviour towards children since 1878. The paper intends on investigating the legal and socio-legal position of children during the British colonialism in the Island of Cyprus. In analysing the factual and legal status of the cases in question, a brief historical overview is of the essence. Thus, the current paper is legally-based yet, rather interdisciplinary as history and diplomacy ‘flirts’ with the law. The originality of the paper focuses on the conspicuous gap in the academic literature relating to children’s rights in the Island of Cyprus.
Children rights, colonialism, legal history, neglect, best interest of the child, sexual offences
Ο περί Σχέσεων Γονέων και Τέκνων Νόμος του 1990 (216/1990)
Cases and Legislation of other Jurisdictions
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, (1954) 347 U.S. 483
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1924
The Cyprus Convention: Convention of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Turkey with Respect of the Asiatic Provinces of Turkey (Constantinople, 4thh June 1878)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
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