The Emergence of the Cyprus Republic from the Turkish Cypriot Point of View Halkın Sesi's stance towards the bicommunal endeavour and its clash with local Greek and English language newspapers (1959-1960)
This article attempts to add to the limited yet very informative knowledge regarding the period 1959-1960 and fill a gap in modern Cypriot historiography. It sheds light on the role played by Halkın Sesi in the establishment of the bicommunal republic. Besides, it focuses on the interaction of the Turkish Cypriot newspaper with the other local media of the period. The article discusses the positive aspects and the complications which emerged during the transitional period. Furthermore, it summarises the attitude of the local newspapers towards the power-sharing project, the role of the economic factors, the overshadowing the basic constitutional principles, and the emergence of segregate electoral democracies during the establishment of the short-lived bicommunal Cyprus Republic.
Cyprus Problem, decolonisation, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Halkın Sesi, press
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