
Gabriel Haritos


The article provides an account of events describing the actions of the Israeli diplomatic service aiming to promote political ties with Britain and the British authorities in Colonial Cyprus, during the first years of the 1950s. Based upon Israeli diplomatic documents of that period, the article describes the tensions between Israel and Britain, the Israeli diplomatic initiatives leading to the opening of the Israeli General Consulate in Nicosia, the efforts for the revival of the local Jewish institutions and the role of Israeli entrepreneurs, enabling the consolidation of their country’s presence on neighbouring British soil.



colonial Cyprus, Israel, foreign policy, international relations, Israeli foreign policy, British foreign policy, 1950s

Primary Sources
Israel State Archives (ISA) - Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Monographs and Publications
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News Paper Articles
Rodan, Yadin ‘The Forgotten Jews of Cyprus’ (July-August 2001) Eretz Magazine 26-36 available at http://www.eretz.com/NEW/article/Cyprus%20jews.pdf
‘Commons Postpones Palestine Debate; Bevin Announces Cyprus Detainees to Be Freed’ JTA-Daily News Bulletin XVI(15) (New York NY: 19 January 1949) 1 available at https://bit.ly/32P5AMf
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‘Imprisonment of Jewish Illegal Immigrants’ (‘Φυλακίσεις Εβραίων Λαθρομεταναστών’) Eleftheria (Nicosia: 6 August 1948) 1.
Online Databases
American Jewish Committee Archives. Online Database available at http://ajcarchives.org/ajcarchive/DigitalArchive.aspx
Historical Jewish Press Archives, Israel National Library (עיתונות יהודית היסטורית, הספרייה הלאומית) Online database available at https://bit.ly/3hXxtrG
The Society for the Preservation of Israel’s Historic Monuments (המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת ישראל) Online database available at https://bit.ly/2EVeJKX

How to Cite

“Israel’s Entry to Colonial Cyprus”. 2020. Cyprus Review 32 (2): 29-49. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/751.