
Dr Yulia Nikitina Denis A. Kuznetsov Dr Leili R. Rustamova


Bilateral relations of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Cyprus were rarely covered in the USSR and early post-Soviet Russia, and were generally considered in conjunction with the Cold War. The relations of the USSR and Cyprus could not overcome the logic of the Cold War, escape from realistic pragmatism and the harsh reality of military- political balancing. Nevertheless, the ties between the USSR and Cyprus turned out to be even more intense and diverse than similar ties of the superpower with many other States at the time. After 1991, relations between Russia and Cyprus have been developing based on their traditional alliance. Russia’s position with regard to the settlement of the Cyprus conflict remained unchanged, and the ultimate goal was a unified State in terms that satisfy the Cypriot side. Cyprus, in turn, criticises the west’s anti-Russian sanctions, despite being a member of the EU.



Cyprus, USSR, Russia, Cold War, diplomacy, cooperation, agreements


How to Cite

“Diplomatic Relations Between Cyprus and the Soviet Union Russia: From Cold War Games to Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation”. 2020. Cyprus Review 31 (3): 181-98. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/674.