
Alexandros Antonaras


The purpose of this paper is to investigate how organisations of the Cyprus tourism sector perceive, understand and apply the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how they determine their priority areas. In addition, the paper will try to highlight how the tourism sector understands and perceives its role in relation to the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. A quantitative research was carried out by collecting data from businesses  operating in the tourism sector in Cyprus. The research indicated that there is a need to increase awareness of the tourism sector regarding the importance for crafting a CSR strateg y which has to be aligned with the corporate purpose. This was the first attempt to study the perceptions of the Cyprus tourism sector in relation to the global sustainable development goals. The results are expected to assist organisations of the tourism sector to better understand the current challenges and set their priorities on how to align CSR related activities to the global sustainable development goals.



corporate social responsibility (CSR), Cyprus, Cyprus, sustainable development goals (SDGs), sustainability, tourism, Agenda 2030

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How to Cite

“The Cyprus Tourism Sector and the Sustainability Agenda 2030”. 2019. Cyprus Review 30 (2): 123-40. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/586.