
Anna Plevri


The paper presents the mediation legislation of Cyprus and the actual practice of mediation in the island, if any. The recent developments and upcoming actions or initiatives on mediation in Cyprus on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, such as the draft law on mediation of family disputes, which is currently under parliamentary review and the proposed reform of the mediation law 159/2012, are also discussed in the paper. In this framework, the goal of the paper is to present the provisions of mediation legislation in Cyprus, the emergence of its problems and gaps, and some critical remarks on the direction to improve the legislation and to promote mediation in practice via compulsory mediation in some categories of civil and/or commercial disputes, as a possible regulatory change in order to succeed actual mediation practice in Cyprus.



alternative dispute resolution (ADR), dispute, agreement to mediation, compulsory mediation, court, judge, Cyprus, family mediation, legal order, mediator, mediation process

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How to Cite

“Mediation in Cyprus: Theory Without Practice”. 2019. Cyprus Review 30 (1): 233-58. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/567.