‘More’ Originality for Cypriot Copyright Law According to the CJEU’s Case Law
The adoption of copyright laws at EU level has always been a battle between the two main traditions in copyright: civil law and common law. Cyprus belongs to the latter for which it suffices that a work is not a copy of another work. Originality in the EU has only been partially harmonised. In fact it is provided that photographs, software and databases are protected insofar that they are ‘their authors’ own intellectual creations’. It was never clear whether this criterion resembled that of the continent or the common law countries. EU member states usually opted to interpret it according to their own tradition. Recently the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) shed light on the matter. This article examines the CJEU’s case law in the area and draws conclusions as to how it shapes originality in the EU (in general) and in Cyprus (in particular).
copyright, Cypriot copyright law, EU originality, originality, Infopaq, Murphy,
Painer, Football Dataco, BSA, SAS, Ryanair, Court of Justice of the European Union
copyright, Cypriot copyright law, EU originality, originality, Infopaq, Murphy, Painer, Football Dataco, BSA, SAS, Ryanair, Court of Justice of the European Union
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