
Petros Konstantinidis


This article is concerned with the principle of horizontal effect of fundamental rights as this has been applied in Cypriot case law. The article begins with a brief introduction on the doctrine of horizontal effect and the various positions that have been expressed about this doctrine, as well as its development in private law. Following this analysis, reference is made to the landmark case of Yiallouros and the introduction into the Cypriot legal order of the above-mentioned doctrine by Cypriot courts. It will be indicated that, while the case of Yiallouros created new insights in the area of fundamental rights protection, at the same time it left issues of applicability of the doctrine and its effect of Cypriot private law unclarified. This article, therefore, seeks to consider how the above-mentioned gap is remedied through a review of case law in the Supreme Court of Cyprus following the case of Yiallouros.



horizontal effect, direct effect, indirect effect, Cypriot legal order, vertical relationship, private law, private legal relationships, fundamental rights, Cypriot case law, common law principles, jurisprudence

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How to Cite

“The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Cyprus”. 2019. Cyprus Review 30 (1): 145-61. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/544.