Behavioural Home Environment and Its Relation to Motivation and Achievement: Gender, Setting of Residential Area and Socioeconomic Status Differences
The present study examines the influence of the home environment on high school students' motivation and achievement and how it differs among genders, setting of the residential area and socioeconomic status (SES). Home environment was considered the combination of SES and parental behaviour factors. A stratified random sample of thirty five classrooms (745 students and their parents) from eight schools in all cities was selected as a representative sample for the high school students in Cyprus. The data were analyzed by LISREL.8 (Joreskog and Sorbom, 1993) and by t-test within SPSS (Nie, Hull, Jenkins, Steinbrenner, and Bernt, 1990). Their indications, as well as the relevant suggestions of the results are thoroughly discussed, in view of the existing social conditions in Cyprus.
high school students, motivation, achievement, gender differences, socioeconomic status, home environment, social conditions in Cyprus
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