
Direnç Kanol


Participation at the negotiation table for finding peace agreements can be conceptualised as a peacebuilding function of civil society but studies which measure the impact of civil society’s participation at the negotiation table are distinctly scarce. Do people perceive inclusive peace treaties to be more legitimate? The study focuses on this question by gathering and analysing data from 400 Turkish Cypriots. The survey experiment suggests that inclusiveness does not influence the perceived legitimacy of peace treaties. The implications of this finding for conflict resolution are discussed. 



civil society, Cyprus, Legitimacy beliefs, peace-making, peacebuilding, peace negotiations, peace treaties

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How to Cite

“Inclusiveness and the Perceived Legitimacy of Peace Treaties: Findings from a Survey Experiment in Northern Cyprus”. 2017. Cyprus Review 27 (2): 89-104. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/48.