
Gisela Welz


The following bibliography lists only those publications by Stefan Beck that are based on original fieldwork that he had conducted in the Republic of Cyprus since the late 1990s. A complete list of his publications on the Anthropology of Biomedicine as well as other fields can be viewed on the website of Humboldt University Berlin: https://www.euroethno.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/personen/beck/publikationen

 Wherever possible, the original English-language abstract has been quoted, to give some information on the publication’s contents. English translations of titles in other languages as well as additional summaries were provided by Gisela Welz.



How to Cite

“Stefan Beck’s Contribution to the Medical Anthropology of Cyprus: Selected Publications”. 2017. Cyprus Review 28 (1): 121-32. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/38.