Games of (de)Legitimization and Images of Collective Subjects at the Management of a Financial Crisis: The Cyprus Memorandum in the German Political Discourse
The Cypriot financial crisis of February 2013 opened a new chapter in the island’s history and changed the perception of the Cyprus Problem. In this sense, the financial crisis was perceived as a continuation of the Greek crisis, which was at its peak, and drew all the negative frames, aspects and stereotypes from it. Germany played a key role in image formation of the island through the attribution of blame in German political discourse. For almost two months, German political parties debated the issue, forming an image of the country through their criticism, rhetoric and blame game. From being a victim of Turkish imperialism, Cyprus became an abuser of the eurozone. The construction of a new image for Cyprus in German political discourse was achieved through the use of contradicting dipoles, image restoration strategies and blame game. The induction of these means of
strategic communication in the political discourse marked the parties’ campaign mode in the intra-national and the international political levels.
Cyprus financial crisis, Germany, strategic communication, image restoration, nation image, crisis management, blame game
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