
Craig Webster Alexandros Lordos


In April 2004, the Turkish-Cypriot and Greek-Cypriot communities voted on the Annan Plan in simultaneously held referenda. The Annan Plan was a UNsponsored plan to reunite the divided island of Cyprus under one federal government. The majority of the Greek-Cypriot electorate did not vote in support of the Plan while the majority of the Turkish-Cypriot electorate did. While the Annan Plan was not put into action, many of the factors which influenced voting patterns on both sides of the Green Line will most likely remain relevant in defining public attitudes towards future plans to re-unite Cyprus. In this work, the authors delve into the demographic, political, and attitudinal factors linked with support for the Annan Plan, using public opinion surveys of large numbers of residents in Cyprus. 


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How to Cite

“Who Supported the Annan Plan? An Exploratory Statistical Analysis of the Demographic, Political, and Attitudinal Correlates”. 2018. Cyprus Review 18 (1): 13-35. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/301.