
Christina Ioannou Giorgos Kentas


In this article a domain-specific analysis of Cyprus’ Europeanisation process is advocated. It is argued that the overall process of Europeanisation was governed by an instrumental logic that furnished a consciously promoted national strategy of EU accession. It is suggested also that this logic had a cross-sector impact. The Europeanisation of the labour sector is the crux of this discussion. The article concludes that the pre-existence of a deeply-rooted corporatist tradition in the field of industrial relations acted as the mediating mechanism that facilitated a smooth and speedy adjustment process.



Europeanisation, industrial relations, corporatism, national mission, instrumental logic, mediating mechanism, norm-guided behaviour

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How to Cite

“The Mediating Impact of Corporatism on the Europeanisation of the Cypriot Labour Sector”. 2018. Cyprus Review 21 (2): 115-35. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/240.