
Tozun Bahcheli Sid Noel


While ethnic kinship and perceived commonality of interests have ensured close relations between Turkish Cypriots and Turkey, the political ties between them have changed significantly over time. From a community that once dutifully followed Turkey’s lead in all matters of political significance – their relationship with Turkey being essentially one of client and patron – Turkish Cypriots have evolved into a community with a distinct political identity, its own democratic institutions, a well-developed sense of its own interests, and leaders who represent and articulate a  Turkish-Cypriot point of view. Though heavily reliant on Turkish financial assistance and other forms of government-to government support, those leaders nevertheless display considerable confidence regarding their capacity to manage their own affairs. In consequence, Turkish-Cypriot relations with Turkey have grown progressively more complex and nuanced, and in certain respects more distant.



Northern Cyprus, TRNC, Turkish Cypriots, Turkey, identity, democratic consolidation, political parties, elections

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How to Cite

“The Political Evolution of Northern Cyprus and Its Effect on Turkish-Cypriot Relations With Turkey”. 2018. Cyprus Review 22 (2): 139-48. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/204.