
Phoebus Athanassiou


Using the Cyprus-specific jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights and the English courts as a starting point, we examine selected legal developments over the last six years that point to or may result in a change in the approach of the international community to the self-proclaimed ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’. These developments highlight the risks of the perpetuation of Cyprus’s de facto partition for the chances of an eventual re-unification of the island. They also suggest that, unless the prospects of achieving a negotiated settlement to the Cyprus dispute were to improve considerably in the near future, a resetting of the objectives of the side to the negotiations that stands to lose the most from an eventual partition of the island would be advisable so that the consequences of a possible recognition by the international community of the status quo in the areas outside the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus can be mitigated.



Cyprus dispute, 'TRNC', recognition, Court of Justice, Orams litigation, European Court of Human Rights, Demopoulos ruling

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How to Cite

“The Status of the ‘TRNC’ through the Prism of Recent Legal Developments: Towards Furtive Recognition?”. 2018. Cyprus Review 22 (1): 15-38. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/180.