
Galatia Theodosiou-Zipiti Mel West Iasonas Lamprianou


There is evidence that the attainment of ethnic minority children differs from that of native children. Examining this and the reasons behind it is important in ensuring equal opportunities and a sound education for all children. This paper identifies differences in attainment between minority and native students in Cyprus by examining the grades of students from two secondary schools in Modern Greek and Mathematics. Using the Rasch analysis, results showed that ethnic minority groups perform significantly lower than native students and regression analysis indicated that ethnic background, gender, family socio-economic status, generation status, absenteeism, and age have a significant effect on attainment. The study in Cyprus, homes in on the educational reality in Cyprus, highlights the need for immediate policy implementation on the part of the government and identifies areas of further study.



education, attainment, quantitative study, minorities, Cyprus

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How to Cite

“Attainment of Ethnic Minority Secondary School Students in Cyprus”. 2018. Cyprus Review 23 (1): 123-44. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/170.