
Yiannos Katsourides


The aim of the paper is to explore the composition, the recruitment mechanisms and the career patterns of those people who comprised the political elite in Cyprus over a period of 22 years, extending from 1988 to 2010. The analysis in the present paper provides a useful database on the social and political elite of Cyprus. The Cypriot political elite is small in number and its members have a particular profile and seem to follow certain paths with regard to their political recruitment and advancement. The most significant independent variable explaining membership in the political elite of Cyprus appears to be the political parties.



Cypriot political elite, Cyprus, political parties, recruitment, career patterns, cabinet, parliament

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How to Cite

“Composition, Recruitment and Career Patterns of the Political Elite in Cyprus (1988-2010)”. 2017. Cyprus Review 24 (1): 15-37. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/143.