
Angelos Constantinou Kyriaki Lambrianidou


Cypriot youth crime, as most types of crime on the island, has thus far evaded thorough examination. Hirschi’s theorisation that delinquency occurs only after an individual’s connection to society attenuates is examined within a Cypriot context. The analysis of data collected from 53 Cypriot male criminal youths, points out that Hirschi’s theory does not satisfactorily explain the reasons behind their criminal acts. However, given the small size of our sample and its nonprobabilistic selection, shortcomings for robustness become inherent. Nonetheless, incumbent findings open the way to further pertinent exploration.



social control theory, juvenile delinquency, Cypriot criminal youths

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How to Cite

“An Empirical Test of Hirschi’s Control Theory of Delinquency: Cypriot Criminal Youths in Nicosia”. 2017. Cyprus Review 24 (2): 73-94. https://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/135.